
Kabir is god

Biography of Kabir ji
_In kalyug, Kabir ji has descended on the lehrtara pond. In year 1398(Vikram samvat 1455) on full moon day. When he came, at that time Ashtanand Ji, a disciple of Swami Ramanand Ji was meditating there and his eyes were dazzled by the bright lights which dissolved in a lotus flowers._
_Kabir ji never born from a mother's womb. He met a childless couple Neeru-Neema who brought Kabir ji home._
_Kabir ji has a beautiful face. Everyone in Kashi amazed to see him. Till 21 days he did not eat anything. Neeru-Neema got worried and prayed to lord Shiva. Shiva came in the form of a sage. Kabir ji communicated with lord Shiva and told him that he'll have the milk of a maiden cow only. Neeru brought  a maiden cow and Lord Shiva patted on cow and cow started giving milk. Kabir ji consumed the milk. Testimony mentioned in (Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 1, Mantra 9)._
Kabir ji met Ramanand Ji

When Kabir ji turned 5, he did a leela, acquired the appearance of a 2½- year-old child, laid down on the steps of Panch-Ganga Ghaat, where Swami Ramanand Ji used to go daily to bath. Shri Ramanand Ji was 104 years old. That day also, when he went for bathing, at that time Kabir Sahib was lying on the steps. In the darkness Ramanand Ji failed to see Kabir Sahib. The Ramanand Ji's sandal hit Kabir Sahib’s head. Kabir ji started crying like a child. Ramanand Ji bent down quickly to find if the child was hurt and lifted him up. At that moment the kanthi in Ramanand Ji’s neck came out and was put in Parmeshwar KavirDev’s neck. Ramanand Ji said, “Son, say ‘Ram-Ram’. All miseries are removed by Ram’s naam and kept his hand over Kabir Sahib’s head. Kabir Sahib in a child form became quiet. Then Ramanand Ji started taking bath and thought that I will take the child to ashram and will send him to his parents. After taking bath, Ramanand Ji saw that the child was not present there. Kabir Sahib disappeared from there. Ramanand Ji thought that now where he look for the child now. 
One day, a disciple of Swami Ramanand Ji was delivering Satsang somewhere. Kabir Sahib went there. Rishi Ji was narrating the Shrivishnu Puran. He was saying that God Vishnu is the creator of the entire universe. He is the Supreme Power who came as incarnation in Ram and Krishna. He is unborn and does not have any motherfather. Kabir ji listened and after the satsang, Kabir Parmeshwar said, “Rishi Ji, can I ask you a question?” Rishi Ji said, “Yes son! Ask.” Hundreds of devotees were present there. Kabir ji said that you were delivering the discourse from Vishnu Puran that Shri Vishnu Ji is a Supreme Power. Rishi Ji said that whatever I have narrated, the same is written in Vishnu Puran. Kabir Sahib said that Rishi Ji, I have requested you to solve my query please do not get angrt. One day I listened Shiv Puran. In that  greatman was narrating that Vishnu and Brahma originated from God Shiv. (Evidence is the - Holy Shiv Puran, Rudr Sanhita, Adhyay 6 and 7, Published from Gita Press Gorakhpur). In Devi Bhagwat’s, it is written that the Goddess is the mother  Brahma-Vishnu-Shiv. These three are mortal. Rishi Ji got angry and said asked, “Who are you and whose son are you?” Before Kabir ji could say anything the other devotees started saying that he is the son of that weaver Neeru. The disciple of Swami Ramanand Ji asked about the kanthi in his neck and his Guru. Kabir Sahib said that my Guru is Ramanand Ji. That Rishi became very angry and said, He does not even see inferior people like you and you are saying that you have taken naam (initiation) from him! I will go to Gurudev just now and will tell your whole story to him. Rishi Ji went and told Shri Ramanand Ji that Gurudev, there is a boy of lower caste says that Swami Ramanand Ji is my Guru. Swami Ramanand Ji said, “Call him tomorrow morning. Just see how much I'll punish him in front of you. Next day early morning, ten men captured Kabir ji and presented him before Ramanand Ji. Ramanand Ji asked Kabir ji that who is he and what is his caste?
Kabir ji said that I am the supreme power and I have come to show the path to that Supreme Power i.e. Parmeshwar who is the Creator of the infinite crore brahmands who has been referred by the names KavirDevin the Vedas.On hearing this Swami Ramanand Ji became very angry and said," You are of  low caste and are making such a big statement." Ramanand Ji also abused Kabir Sahib badly. Kabir Sahib said, “Gurudev! You are my Guru Ji. Although you are abusing me. On hearing this, Ramanand Ji said, “Just wait, I will first do my pooja.” Ramanand Ji said to his disciples, “Make him sit. My some religious ritual is pendinga and I'll finish it first." In imagination he make an idol of lord Vishnu and the idol become visible in front of him and a religious ceremony is performed- firstly taking off all the clothes of God’s idol, bathing him, then putting clean clothes on God, putting a kanthi in the neck, adorn with a tilak, and put the crown. Ramanand Ji was imagining all this and after he placed the crown he forgot to put the garland (kanthi). Now if kanthi is not put, then the religious act is incomplete, and if the crown can not be removed that day and if removed the crown, then the pooja gets interrupted. Swami Ramanand Ji is cursing himself that he had never committed such a mistake in his entire life. Kabir ji was  sitting on the other side. Kabir ji said that Swami Ji, open the knot of the garland and put it in the neck. Then tie a knot so that you will not have to take off the crown. Swami Ramanand Ji threw it away in front of the entire Brahmin community embraced  Kabir ji. Ramanand Ji said that you are having such a soft body like cotton like no bone inside. On one side, God is standing and the other there is a wall of caste. The God-loving pious souls consider it meritorious to break the wall of caste and Ramanand Ji did the same.

Religious meal by Kabir ji

Shekhtaki gathered all the Hindus, Muslims, Mulla Qazi and Pandits of Kashi to plot a conspiracy against God Kabir. Thought he is a poor person. Send a letter in its name that Kabir ji is very rich person in Kashi. He will do a three-day religious meal in the city of Kashi. All sages are invited.By sending false letters all over India, he got a lot of publicity that with every meal would given precious blanket and one gold stamp in Dakshina. 18 lakh devotees and saints and other people from all over India gathered in Kashi to eat langar. When Sant Ravidas ji got the news, he told the whole situation to Kabir ji. Kabir ji knew everything but still acted as he don't know anything. He told Ravidas ji to come inside the hut and put a latch, we will get out from here as soon as morning. On the other hand, God Kabir reached his capital Satlok.From there, after taking the form of Banjara named Keshav, God Kabir placed sacks (bags) on top of 9 lakh bulls and cooked food in them (kheer, puri, halwa, laddu, jalebi, kachori, pakodi, samosas, roti dal, rice, vegetable Etc.) After filling up, he started from Satlok towards Kashi. Kabir Ji as Keshav encamped in a tent and Bhandara started.
This is how kabir ji performed a leela where a top class religious meal was organised within a few hours.

Departure if Kabir Sahib to Maghar 

_Pandits of kashi had spread a myth that if a person die in Maghar he/she will get next birth of a donkey and if died in Kashi then he'll attain heaven._ _Kabir ji came to Maghar from Kashi to remove the myth that a true worshipper may die anywhere he will attain God._
_All hindus and Muslims disciples of Kabir ji gathered.The Muslim ruler Bijli Khan Pathan and Hindu King Vir Singh Baghel were also there to receive the body of lord Kabir and to perform the last rites of their guru according to their religious way. Kabir Ji strictly told them not to fight for his body, rather live peacefully._ _Kabir Sahib laid and covered himself with another sheet. After some time, Kabir ji made an Akashvani that he is going to ‘Satlok’ from where he has come. Kabir Ji’s dead body was not found under the sheet, instead only fragrant flowers were found._ _Kabir Sahib ordered Hindus and Muslims not to fight and live with harmony. Both Hindus and Muslims distributed flowers among themselves and made a monument which is still in Kashi._


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